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Job and Volunteer Openings at GreenStage


Updated: May 21, 2024

Thank you for your interest in getting involved with GreenStage! We're looking for a few enthusiastic, committed and self-starting folks for the following positions. Please email Paula Kinney in our office if you're interested in any of these, or if you just want to get involved in some way that's not described here!

Volunteer Coordinator: Work with the executive director, program director, marketing director and development director to assemble teams of folks to plan, produce, market, staff and raise funds for events in 2024 and 2025.

Development Director (paid contract position): Work with the board chair, executive director, treasurer and grants administrator to set fundraising goals and strategies, and to implement programs in individual, corporate, government and private foundation giving.

Communications Specialist (paid contract position): Work with GreenStage's marketing director to develop and implement email, social media, public relations other marketing strategies.

Education and Community Outreach: Help us plan, develop, produce and offer educational and interactive programming to area schools and community groups.

Business Engagement: Help us craft and implement win-win programs that engage area businesses in our programming with the goals of enhancing businesses' visibility and reputation while building GreenStage's audience, funding and other resources.

Event planning, production and staffing: Work with our program director, development director and key volunteers to conceptualize, develop, plan, produce and staff entertainment, educational and fundraising events.

Marketing street team: Hang posters, distribute flyers, staff informational booths, sell merchandise and otherwise help create a buzz for GreenStage.

Social media/digital marketing: Work with our marketing director and marketing firm to supplement their efforts in social media and email marketing.

Grantwriting: Assist our grants administrator in researching, writing and following up on grant opportunities.

Impact measurement: Help us develop and implement innovative ways of measuring our impact on our many constituencies: audiences and performers, students and teachers, special needs communities, other arts and cultural organizations, businesses, partners and the Shoreline community at large.

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